Chiller Controllers
Electronic Expansion Valve Systems

MT-512E Log
(Remote Monitoring Compatible)
Has all the features of a standalone controller plus an open-door indication and an internal memory for datalogging. Also available in 12 or 24Vac/dc power supply option.

MT-512E 2HP
This standalone controller features a single relay output, for cooling or heating purposes, combined with a cyclic timer for nautral defrost. Also available in 12 or 24Vac/dc power supply option.

Controller with a single relay and natural defrost function. Features larger dimension and display for better visibility from a distance.

VX-950 Plus Kit
(Remote Monitoring Compatible)
Digital temperature controller and driver for bipolar step motor design for controlling Electronic Expansion Valve, in addition to overheating, defrost and ambient temperature control.
Freezer Controllers
Humidity and Temperature Controllers

TC-900E Log
(Remote Monitoring Compatible)
Has all the features of a standalone controller plus an internal real-time clock for enhanced defrost schedule management, and memory for datalogging. The real time clock will keep the clock running and synchronized during a power outage. Also available in 12 or 24Vac/dc power supply option.

TC-900E Power
This standalone controller is equipped with 3 relay outputs, 2 or 3 temperature sensors and 1 or 2 digital inputs. Also features economy set-point, fast freezing mode, open door alarms, IP 65 frontal, on-demand defrost and many more features. Also available in 12 or 24Vac/dc power supply option.

(Remote Monitoring Compatible)
It has three outputs: one for temperature control, another for humidity control, and a third one for auxiliary purposes. Intended for low and medium RH applications (10% to 85% without condensation). Also features an internal buzzer. Also available in 12 or 24Vac/dc power supply option.

AHC-80 Plus
(Remote Monitoring Compatible)
Used for high RH values (40% to 100%) and with water condensation. It measures air moisture based on psychrometry (dry bulb and wet bulb). It features an integrated temperature controller, and allows configuring for dual stage of humidity.
Pressure Controllers
Solar Heating Controllers

PCT-3001 Plus
(Remote Monitoring Compatible)
Compressor rack controller designed to control suction (compressors) and discharge (fans) pressures. It offers several control modes and enhanced energy saving features. Used for large applications.

PCT-410E Plus
(Remote Monitoring Compatible)
Compressor rack controller for medium-sized applications. It offers 4 operating modes: linear, rotation, capacity, or individual.

Microsol SWP Advanced
The Microsol SWP Advanced is a differential thermostat for solar heating that controls the water circulation pump based on temperature differential between the solar collector and the pool or thermal reservoir.

Microsol II Plus
(Remote Monitoring Compatible)
Differential solar heating controller featuring three temperature sensors that activates the water pump. Prevents water from overheating and freezing within the pipes.
Energy Controllers

Phase LogE Plus
(Remote Monitoring Compatible)
Very versatile instrument for monitoring and protection of electrical equipment from over/under voltage, phase failure, phase reversal, angular and modular assymetry. Also features an internal datalogger that stores the voltages of each phase during times determined by the user. Applicable for 1,2 or 3 phase applications. Also avalilable in 12 Vac/dc power supply.

EnergyLog Plus
(Remote Monitoring Compatible)
Instrument for monitoring and displaying the electrical energy quality and consumption which features a real time clock and internal memory to periodically store the electric network data measured, and the user can configure the period between measurements.

PWR-3200 Plus
(Remote Monitoring Compatible)
Three-phase energy meter, power factor and electric demand controller with 32 control outputs. It allows to measure voltage and current for upto 3 phases and calculate the energy comsumption ratio of active, reactive and apparent power. Also features an internal memory (datalogger).
Other Controllers and Thermometers

MT-543E Log
(Remote Monitoring Compatible)
A very popular controller with built-in rechargeable battery. It has four configurable outputs, internal buzzer alarm and accepts 3 types of sensors: NTC thermistor, PT100 or PT1000. Also allows monitoring of HACCP critical points. It comes with IP65 frontal and an internal memory for datalogging. Also available in 12V or 24Vac/dc power supply option.

(Remote Monitoring Compatible)
For cooling and heating processes, uses PID control (Proportional–Integral–Derivative), which allows controlling temperature with high degree of stability. It has an analog output from 0 to 10 Vdc and PWM output. Also available in 12V or 24Vac/dc power supply option.

TI-44E Plus
(Remote Monitoring Compatible)
Thermometer designed to monitor average, differential or individual temperatures of up-to four sensors. Additional features include IP65 frontal, flatec key for easy access and four digits display. Also available in 12V or 24Vac/dc power supply option.

This interface connects the controllers that are remote monitoring (Sitrad) compatible with a PC through the USB cable. It converts the RS-485 signal from the controllers to the USB of the computer, to allow capturing of the controller’s data by the Sitrad software.

This interface transforms the RS-485 signal from the controllers to a RJ-45 signal. The TCP-485 has its own IP address. The RJ-45 (ethernet) cable from the TCP-485 can be connected to a modem, a wifi access point, PC or an intranet port to establish connection to Sitrad and allow remote monitoring and management of the controller’s data.